UPDATED 22nd APRIL 2024 ****
1. Title.
The association shall be called the ” Worcestershire Short Mat Bowling Association “( in abbreviation WSMBA and referred to as ” the Association ” in this constitution.
2, Objectives.
(a) To promote, develop, and regulate the game of short mat bowling in Worcestershire in the best interests of its members.
(b) To conduct, manage, control and monitor all leagues and open competitions carried out by the Association or its members.
(c) To promote the image of the Association generally and to arrange matches with other associations or leagues when appropriate.
(d) The Association shall be affiliated to the ESMBA>
3. Membership.
(a) Membership of the Association shall be open to all ages, any gender, regardless of disability or sexual orientation, subject to the receipt of any application form determined by the Management Committee, and the receipt of any appropriate membership fee.
(b) Members must register with the Association via one club as defined by the Association and must conduct themselves properly at all times.
(c) Membership shall be open to any group that the Management Committee considers to be of club status and is capable of sustaining its commitment to the Association and conducting its affairs in an honest and sporting manner.
(d) The Association may elect individual honorary or life members in recognition of their services to the game of short mat bowls.
(e) Any club or individual person applying to join the Association must have paid all outstanding fees, subscriptions, levies to any other short mat association or club.
(f) Membership shall be open to clubs or players in adjacent counties subject to the ESMBA Rules and Constitution.
(g) The Association shall be affiliated to the ESMBA
4. Selection for the County Squad.
The selectors for the County Squad shall consist of Captain, Vice Captain plus two other bowlers, and shall be officers of the Association.
5. Fees and Subscriptions.
( a) Each member club shall pay any appropriate yearly subscription if / when determined by the Association at its Annual General Meeting, at such time as may be determined by the Association.
(b) Each individual member who plays in any county league or competition shall pay any necessary fess determined by the Association and / or the ESMBA.
6. Administration.
( a) Officers of the Association shall consist of President, Captain, Vice Captain, Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, ( County and League ), Safeguarding Officer, Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling League’s Organiser, League Team Captains representative, and a third Selection Officer, each elected annually at the Association’s Annual General Meeting.
(b) The affairs of the Association are to be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of the officers listed in sub paragraph (a) above, plus a maximum of two other members of the Association if the Management Committee so determines. Each Management Committee member present at a meeting is entitled to one vote with the Chairperson having a second casting vote if necessary.
(c) The Management Committee shall have the power to set up any special sub-committee it sees fit.
(d) Any officer position with no nominee by the date prescribed by the Management Committee for the close of nominations will be open to proposals from the annual general meeting floor.
7. Changes to the Management Committee.
The Management Committee shall be empowered to fill any officer vacancy arising during the year.
8. Committee for the management of the affairs of the Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling league.
(a) The affairs of the Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling League are to be conducted by a committee consisting of President, League Organiser, Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Captains representative, and Safeguarding Officer, plus two other members, each elected annually at the Associations annual general meeting. Each committee member present at a meeting is entitled to one vote with the Chairperson having a second casting vote if necessary .
(b) Any officer position with no nominee by the date prescribed by the Management Committee for the close of nominations will be open to proposals from the annual general meeting floor.
9. General Rules of meetings.
(a) To ensure that the management of the Association runs smoothly and necessary decisions affecting the efficient running of the Association are taken without delay. There will be no minimum quorum required for meetings of the committee or the Annual General Meeting.
(b) An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April or May each year. A 21 day notice to be given to this effect.
(c) If an Extraordinary General Meeting is called it shall be conducted in the same manner as for Annual General Meetings, except in special circumstances where the topic of the meeting is urgent, the 21 day notice period may be reduced.
(d) The Management Committee shall have the power to submit notices of motion, make recommendations, and propose officers to the Annual General Meeting.
(e) Meetings shall be called by the Secretary or Chairperson, and in their absence by any other officer of the Association.
(f) Notices of motions and nominations for officers may be submitted by any fully paid up member of the Association, in writing, to the Secretary or Chairperson, by the date stated in the Calling Notice for the meeting.
(g) A register of attendance shall be available for scrutiny.
10. Secreatary,
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a record of the business transacted at all meetings.
11. Finances – The Association.
(a) The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March each year.
(b) The Associations treasurer shall be responsible for opening and maintaining a bank account in the Association’s name and shall be responsible for the arrangements for the collecting and accounting for all moneys, except those in respect of the Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling League.
(c) There shall be two designated signatories. Cheques drawn on the Association Account shall be signed by either of the two signatories.
(d) The Treasurer shall submit to the annual general meeting a financial statement, duly verified for the previous financial year. Copies of the verified accounts to be made available to every member prior to the annual general meeting.
(e) The financial statement and accounts presented to the annual general meeting shall be certified by the individual appointed at the previous annual general meeting.
12. Finances – The Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling League
( a) The finances of the Kidderminster and District Indoor Bowling League shall be kept separate from the finances of the Association.
(b) The financial year of the league shall be from 1st April to 31st March each year.
(c) The League Treasurer shall be responsible for opening and maintaining a bank account in the League’s name and shall be responsible for the arrangements for collecting and accounting for all moneys, except those in respect of the County Association.
(d) There shall be two designated signatories. Cheques drawn on the League account shall be signed by either of the two signatories.
(e) The League Treasurer shall submit to the annual general meeting a financial statement duly verified for the previous financial year. Copies of the verified accounts to be made available to every member prior to the annual general meeting.
(f) The financial statement and accounts presented at the annual general meeting shall be certified by the individual appointed at the previous annual general, meeting.
13. Disputes.
(a) Disciplinary – A dispute/disciplinary relating to short mat bowls will be dealt with by a panel appointed by the Management Committee comprising of 3 Officers and 2 members. The panel shall have the power to determine what action, if any, needs to be taken following a formal hearing.
(b) Anyone wishing to challenge a ruling must submit an application in writing to the Secretary, who will notify the Management Committee who will select a new independent panel to hear the appeal. Any further appeal against the findings of the appeal should be made to the ESMBA in writing within 21 days of the receipt of the decision.
14. Conditions of play.
The laws of the game of short mat bowls as determined by the ESMBA shall apply to all games with only those exceptions that are approved by the ESMBA, or by the Association for games under their control, or by clubs for games under their control.
15. Safeguarding.
The Association follows the guidelines and has adopted the current Safeguarding Policy and procedures published by the English Short Mat Bowling Association and the Bowling Development Alliance. Worcestershire Short Mat Bowling Association appoints a Safeguarding Officer annually who is available for contact about codes of conduct and best practices, and matters of concern relating to children and adults who may be at risk.
16. Dissolution / Winding Up.
In the event of the Association being unable to carry out its obligations, the assets of the Association shall be listed and that list sent to all clubs / members. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called to determine how to dispose of the assets.