Safeguarding Bowls. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
The Bowls Development Alliance in partnership with Bowls England, English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd., English Short Mat Bowling Association, English Bowling Federation and the British Crown Green Association have developed a policy for the sport of Bowls which outlines the four associations commitment to ensuring that the sport provides a safe environment for all young people to play. The policy clearly outlines the processes that need to be gone through if a situation arises where a child may be at risk and provides advice on support that is available to you and who you may need to inform. The policy is not just aimed at those clubs with juniors, it is also there for clubs that work closely with young people or adults with a disability or those young people or adults who are known to be at risk.
Worcestershire Short Mat Bowls Association have appointed Richard Rose as their Safeguarding Officer.
If anyone should have any concerns about the standards of care towards children and other vulnerable people participating in the game of bowls, Richard can be contacted either by email or by telephone 01562 229112.
Further information about safeguarding can be obtained by visiting the following web sites :
Bowls Development Alliance………………………
English Short Mat Bowling Association………
NB – May 2022 – The ESMBA have updated their policy statement- Anyone who has any concerns or wishes to find out more about the policy, which has been adopted by Worcestershire, should go the the ESMBA web site.