ESMBA – Rinks Competition Final – Saturday 6th April 2019

Worcestershire qualified for this event late last year. In what turned out to be a long day, the county bowlers performed well in mostly very close and hard fought games. Seven counties from across England competed with one group of four counties and one of three for the round robin series of matches  –  with Worcestershire in the group of three, together with Essex and Somerset. It had previously been decided that teams in the group of three would play each other twice with the first game over 12 ends and the second over 9. As the day progressed it became clear that the top team in the group would either be Essex or Worcestershire – subsequently Essex pulled ahead.

The county played 12 games ( the final 4 games not being required as Essex had achieved sufficient points to head the group ). Overall the county won 7 and lost 5. The county scored 133 shots with 121 against. As an indication of how close the scores of games were, there were 4 games where the shot difference was  one.

Although the county performed well it was Essex who proceeded into the Grand Final.

A summary of the county’s performance is shown in the table below :

Rinks final 6th April 001