Archive | December, 2022

County v Herefordshire – Sunday 4th December 2022

This home fixture ended with a heavy defeat for the county, who scored 5 points to Herefordshire’s 35. Worcestershire scored 123 shots with Herefordshire scoring 270.

The morning session saw the county losing all eight of the individual games played. The only slight glimmer  -”  very slight ”  – of what might have been a success was Malcolm Saunders’ fours team winning 6 ends of their 11 end game , and still losing 8-9.

In the afternoon Terry Clifford won his singles game. After the 11th end Terry was trailing 6-10, but with 6 shots from the last 4 ends he won his game 12-11.    Richard Rose and Belinda Gibbs had a closely fought contest in their pairs game. They won 8 ends of their 15 end game but trailed  at the finish by 11 shots to 15    Richard Payne’s triples team had a very successful game winning 9 of the 13 ends played. The opposition scored 5 shots off the 8th end, but apart from that one end Richard’s team prevailed, and  had a very convincing 18-8 win.   Avis Beddow’s fours team won 6 of the 11 ends played in this closely fought contest, and looked to be on course for a win.  The opposition scraped 2 shots off ends 10 and 11 to draw level 8-8.

Summary of the day’s play below  :