Archive | February, 2023

County v Gloucestershire – 5th February 2023

The first leg of the 2023 Two Shire Trophy competition, played at Bromsgrove, resulted in a win for Gloucestershire by 26 points to 14  –  Worcestershire scored 148 shots to Gloucestershire’s 185. Although the county lost, there was a notable improvement in performance overall compared with previous matches this season, with the county securing five wins and two draws from the sixteen individual games played. The format for this first leg of the competition was four pairs and four triples , each playing 13 ends.

In the morning session, in the pairs games,  there were wins for Leah Bisseker and Richard Rose ( 13-7, and also Malcolm Saunders and June Green ( 16-3 ).  –  Dave Grove and Alan Walters drew their pairs game. 11-11. The fours teams lost their games. The overall results of the pairs teams secured a two point bonus for shot difference for the county.

In the afternoon session Leah and Richard won their pairs game 10-8, with Malcolm and June drawing ( 9-9 ) . In the triples June’s team won 16-6 and Leah’s team won 13-4.

Summary of the day’s play below  :