Archive | August, 2018

County v Northamptonshire 19th August 2018

Northamptonshire came to Bromsgrove on the 19th August for this friendly pre season match, a match which  Worcestershire won by 22 points to 18 in a closely fought competition. Worcestershire scored 231 shots with Northamptonshire scoring 172, in a competition which saw the home county winning eight of the individual matches and drawing two out of the sixteen played.

Session  1.    Mixed fortunes in the opening Singles matches with Jim Tingle winning his match 15-10, having been in the lead for 13 of the 15 ends played.Richard Payne’s match was very tight with scores level going into the last end. With a two shot deficit in this final end Richard narrowly lost 13-15. In the Pairs there were two impressive wins. Peter Forster/Richard Rose took the lead in the sixth end and then maintained this lead for the rest of the match, winning nine of the fifteen ends played, to win comfortably 16-9. Dave Grove/Leah Arthurs-Thompson took the lead in the seventh end and continued this lead, winning nine out of fifteen ends to finish winning by 15 shots to 10.

Session  2.   Keith Mills’ Triples team were virtually level with their opponents throughout most of their match which ended as a draw 11-11. Although only winning four  of their thirteen end match, Cayman Dredge’s Triples team only lost narrowly 12-14. In the Fours, Malcolm Saunders’ team were ahead of their opponents in nine of the eleven ends played. The team won the first end by five shots, quickly countered by their opponents scoring four shots in the second end, Thereafter in a hard fought match Malcolm’ team took four shots off the last four ends to win 12-10. Terry Clifford’s team were also ahead of their opponents in nine  of their eleven ends to run out comfortable winners  by 13 shots to 7.

Session  3.   Again mixed fortunes for the Singles but this time a win for Richard Payne, and a narrow defeat for Jim Tingle 11-14, Richard won eleven of his fifteen end match and was in total control of the match throughout. Except for one end when scores were level, Richard led throughout the match and went on to win by 18 shots to 11. Both Pairs teams won giving them a 100% success for the day. Between them they won 23 of the 30 ends played, scoring 46 shots against the oppositions reply of 11 shots. Peter Forster/Richard Rose romped away from their opponents winning 12 of the 15 ends played ( it was not until the 8th  end  that the opposition managed to get one shot ). Peter and Richard finished by winning by a massive 26 shots to 4.

Dave Grove/Leah Arthurs-Thhompson also had a very successful match winning 11 of their 15 ends played  After the 8th end scores were level and the match had every indication of being hard fought. Dave and Leah then went on to win 6 of the remaining 7 ends, scoring 14 shots to their opponents 1 shot, to win by an impressive 20 shots to 7.

Session  4.   Two very hard fought Triples matches with Keith Mills’ team narrowly losing 8-9. Cayman Dredge’s team went into the  last end one shot down but managed to win that end to achieve an honorable draw 9-9. Both Fours teams lost their matches.

Results summary below  :

Results 19th August 4 001


Diary changes

The county has been informed that Cheshire have withdrawn their “A” team from the 2018/2019 inter county championship. We had an away fixture with Cheshire on Sunday 4th November and a home fixture on Sunday the 18th November. These matches will not now be played but the fixture dates will remain live. The County Captain is investigating the possibility of arranging friendly fixtures for these two dates so all squad members should assume at this stage that county matches will be played on these dates.

County Squad 19th August v Northamptonshire

The County Squad for the friendly fixture at home against Northamptonshire on the 19th August  is set out below  :   Please note that lunch will be available from the canteen.

SINGLE   1       Mats  2& 3            Richard Payne

SINGLES  2     Mats  1 & 4            Jim Tingle

PAIRS    1         Mats  3 & 2            Pete Forster  and  Richard Rose

PAIRS    2         Mats   4  & 1          Dave Grove  and  Leah Arthurs-Thompson

TRIPLES  1       Mats   1 & 4          Trish Clifford /  Tony Crowley / Keith Mills

TRIPLES  2       Mats    2 & 3          Yvonne Payne / Sandra Felton / Maureen Tingle

FOURS  1          Mats    3 & 2          Robn Holmes / Belinda Gibbs/Gary Markham/ Malcolm Saunders

FOURS  2         Mats     4 & 1          Jenny Gibbs / Carol Arnold / Rob Franklin / Terry Clifford







County v Northamptonshire 29th July 2018

This first match o f the 2018-2019 season was a friendly played away at Daventry .The County won by 28 points to 12, winning 10matches  and drawing 2 of the 16 individual matches played. The County scored 228 shots against Northants 156 shots  –  a great start to the season.

Session  1.   The County singles players got off to a comfortable start with Jim Tingle drawing his first game 11-11 in  an evenly contested game. Richard Payne took the lead in his first match of the day in the fifth end, and maintained that lead throughout the remainder of the  game finishing winner by 18 shots to 7. Sandra Felton and Richard Rose drew their opening pairs  match 10-10 in what turned out to be an evenly matched competition. Belinda Gibbs and Dave Grove lost their match 8-14.

Session  2.   After a strong start Keith Mills triples team faced  a fierce fight back by Northants winning only one shot after the sixth end to narrowly lose 12-13. In another closely fought game Maureen Tingle’s triples team went into the last end one shot behind Northants. With four shots off the last end Maureen’s team were worthy winners by 12 shots to 9. In the fours matches, Alan Walters team won very comfortably 20 shots to 3, winning nine ends of the eleven played. Terry Clifford’s team narrowly lost 10-14.

Session3.   In his singles match, Jim Tingle was one shot down after the 13th end, but with five shots off the last two ends he won his match 17-13, Richard Payne in his singles match, powered his way to a 21-9 win.   –  a very strong start to the third session. Sandra Felton and Richard Rose in their pairs match dominated throughout and led for 14 of the 15 ends played. They eventually won very comfortably 18-8. Belinda Gibbs and Dave Grove took the lead in the seventh end and maintained that lead to win 19 shots to 11.

Session 4.   Keith Mills’ triples team were behind for most of their match being 8 shots t0 11 down with only two ends to play. With five shots off those last two ends the team surged past Northants to win by 13 shots to 11. Maureen Tingle’s triples team lost their second match of the day 6-14. In the Fours, there were two county wins. Alan Walters’ team were 7-8 down going into the last end, but with four shots off this last end they came out worthy winners 11-8. Terry Clifford’s team had a fantastic end to the day restricting their opponents to just one shot from the 11 ends played. Terry’s team went on to win by a very handsome 22 shots to  11.

Results Summary.

SINGLES        Jim Tingle   –       AM   11-11          PM    17-13.

Richard Payne    AM   18-7           PM    21-9.

PAIRS             Sandra Felton/Richard Rose   –        AM   10-10         PM    18-8.

Belinda Gibbs/Dave Grove      –       AM   8-14           PM    19-11.

TRIPLES         Rachel Skye Wesson/Carol Arnold/Keith Mills  –     AM   12-13          PM    13-11.

Trish Clifford/Tony Crowley/Maureen Gibbs  –        AM   12-9            PM     6-14.

FOURS            Robin Holmes/Chris Allen/Gary Markham/Alan Walters      AM    20-3           PM     11-8.

Jenny Gibbs/Rob Franklin/Anne Hough/Terry Clifford         AM    10-14          PM     22-1.