County v Gloucestershire – 27th November 2016

This was the last of the fixtures in the current series of inter county matches for this year ( but the County has another fixture against Gloucestershire on the 17th December competing for the “Two Shires Trophy”).

The County’s away match on the 27th was won by Gloucestershire by 28 points to 12. ( 157 shots for Worcestershire and 211 shots for Gloucestershire)..

The morning session was disappointing with both Singles bowlers and one pairs team losing, with the second Pairs team of Peter Forster and Johnathon Smith drawing. Both the Triples and Fours teams lost their matches during the morning session with the result that the County only scored one point overall.

The afternoon session saw a dramatic improvement with four wins and one draw from the eight matches played, with the County scoring 11 points for this session. Although both Singles bowlers lost their matches, Jenny Gibbs and Richard Payne won their Pairs match 14-11 and Peter Forster and Johnathon Smith drew their match 14-14. There were wins for Mark Bourne’s Triples team ( 13-10 ) and Maureen Tingle’s Team ( 10-8 ). Richard Hulbert’s Fours team won 10-8.

A summary of the matches played is set out below :
