County v Herefordshire – Sunday 13th November 2022

This match ended in defeat for the county by 4 points to 36. Out of the 16 individual games played Worcestershire won 2, scoring 143 shots to Herefordshire’s 268.

The morning session saw Jim Tingle winning his singles game. Having been in front for most of the game, his opponent drew level ( 9-9 )  in the 16th end. With two shots from end 14, Jim held out to win the game 11-10. There were no other successes during the morning session.

The afternoon session was also rather bleak with only one success. Richard Payne’s triples team almost pulled off a gallant win in their hard fought contest.  –  they won the last five ends of their game but could not quite overtake the opposition, and eventually lost 11-12.

Malcolm Saunders’ fours team led throughout their relatively high scoring game, narrowly winning by 15 shots to 14.

Summary of the day’ play below  :