Macmillan Charity Short Mat Bowls Event – Sunday 6th November 2022

Herefordshire have once again staged a “Macmillan” charity short mat bowls event. This took place at Leominster on Sunday 6th November.. The sum raised for the Macmillan |Charity was £1400.

Teams from across the region entered, including three teams from Worcestershire  – two from Churchill and Blakedown short mat club and separately one entered by Richard Payne. In total 32 teams competed, playing in the “Fours” discipline. Teams were divided into groups with each team playing four games  –  the overall result depending on games won, shot difference, and if necessary ends won.

Terry Clifford’s team from Churchill and Blakedown, ( including Jim Tingle / Alan Walters /  June Green) won all four of their games played ( 6-3— 7-5—6-4—8-3 ), with Richard Rose’s team also from Churchill and Blakedown ( including Belinda Gibbs / Jenny Gibbs / Malcolm Saunders ) winning three and losing one ( 13-4—8-5—11-6—4-6 ) , and Richard Payne’s team ( including Ann Hough / Derek Beddow / Avis Beddow ), winning two out of the four games played and losing two ( 10-5—6-3—1-13—4-10 ).

The above performances resulted in Terry’s team ( Blakedown 2 ), being placed 6th out of the 32 team entry with Richard Rose’s team ( Blakedown 1 ), 8th and Richard Payne’s team (Dick’s Devils) 17th.